
Experience The Best Duck Hunting Adventures On Earth

Ramsey Russell | 601.214.9737 | Contact Us | PO Box 873 | Brandon, MS 39043

Cape Barren Goose

Ramsey Russell’s GetDucks

The world’s best duck hunting and wingshooting adventures

You didn’t arrive to by accident. You are here because you are a serious duck hunter. You want the hunt of a lifetime. And you know that it’s always duck season…somewhere.

You’ve come to the right place.  Now 20 years in business, we specialize in worldwide waterfowl hunting and wingshooting.  It’s not only what we do – it’s all we do.   We don’t sidetrack ourselves with big game and fishing (but both are available at many destinations). We’ve personally hunted each destination many times. GetDucks reputation is backed by 20-plus years delivering real duck hunts for real duck hunters. Solo hunters also welcomed—See worldwide duck hunts hosted by Ramsey Russell (Updated).

*NEW* GetDucks Comprehensive Outdoor Trip Protection powered by Global Rescue. To protect your hunt-of-a-lifetime, we now offer superior travel protection at the most competitive rates available. Added to each GetDucks reservation, it is available to anyone traveling anywhere.


** Special Conservation Feature **  BATTLEGROUND AUSTRALIA Documentary, a collaborative project among US and Australian hunters, scientists and conservationists to collect invaluable scientific data. Special thanks to Safari Club International, Field and Game Australia and others. This project is extremely important because in the absence of meaningful science, Australia anti-hunters threaten a continuation of sustainable hunting.



Featured Hunts


Duck hunting Azerbaijan is an incredible, deep-in-the-grass adventure in a remote, overlooked corner of the world. Huge wetlands overwinter very many waterfowl to include a diversity of unique Eurasian species such as red-crested pochards and more Eurasian wigeons than you’ve ever imagined. Introduced in 2018, duck hunting Azerbaijan is a rare experience like none other and is available exclusively through Ramsey Russell’s

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scotland goose hunt
Scotland Goose Hunt

Exploratory Scotland Goose Hunt planned for October/November for primarily greylag goose and pink-footed goose, but eurasian wigeons likely, plus exploring local spirits and culture. Contact Ramsey if interested in coming along.

Learn more, see photos and client testimonials

Sweden Goose Hunt

Sweden Goose Hunting represents the highest potential volume goose on earth! Standard 3-day package consists of 3 morning goose hunts (primarily greylags and barnacles late-August through October, and Giant Canadas November through December) plus 2 optional afternoon high-volume driven duck hunts (mid-October through December). To ensure the utmost quality, shooting is limited to only 2 groups monthly September-October, and no more than 1 group weekly November-December. There are no limits; the potential group bag can be staggering, especially later in the season (1,495 geese were bagged during a one-month period November-December 2016).

Learn more, see photos and client testimonials

Teal are abundant during Nayarit Mexico duck hunt

The latest greatest in a long list of real duck hunting experiences for real duck hunters, the Nayarit Mexico duck hunt combo is truly all inclusive–includes everything but your ammo and getting there. Fly into Mazatlan. Hunt small waterbodies for thirsty ducks each morning and swarming white-winged doves during the afternoons. Waders not needed. January through March. These 3-day packages are Perfect for 4-6 guests. Best bang-for-bird value.

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duck hunting in south africa

South Africa bird hunting tours are perfect for collectors of gamebird species, unique shotgunning experiences, or both. Customized bird hunting safaris for 3-12 days to optionally experience all South Africa waterfowl species plus guineafowl, francolin, doves, pigeons, more.  Pygmy Goose is the most coveted waterfowl species, but 15-plus species possible. June-August. Ideal for 2 to 6 guns per group.

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Alaska King Eider Hunters

Best Alaska King Eider Hunt available. Period. Delivered 100% success on trophy kings for each of the past 7 years. Our team is available at all times before, during and after your hunt to ensure the smoothest possible travel because this is a trip to remote Alaska in January, to to Arkansas! In addition to king eiders, guests should expect to target long-tailed ducks and harlequins. White-winged scoters are possible. Pacific common eiders are rarely taken. Alaska king eider hunt is the trip of a lifetime for the pinnacle of North American waterfowl trophies. Now booking 2020 (limited) and 2021 dates.

Learn more, see photos and client testimonials Mazatlan Mexico Honeymoon Duck Hunt

Welcome to the FUN side of the border! With over 30 years of duck hunting experience Mexico’s west coast, the staff is utmost professional, knowledgeable, delivering the best duck hunting vacation imaginable.  Generous limits to include the teal trifecta and more. But pack the flip flops, sunscreen, and grab your squeeze – we don’t call this a “honeymoon duck hunt” without good reason – hunters return to the resort by noon, spending plenty quality with our better halves for the day’s remainder. Non-hunting spouses LOVE IT! Just show her the photo gallery!

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Our brand of Argentina duck hunting favors exceptional hunting above all else. Not all Argentina ducks hunts are equal – after 17 years of exploring, these have proven to be very best. Period.  Our outfitters are utterly committed to high-quality wingshooting in a friendly, authentic environment.  Forget over-priced transfer fees and other frivolous add-ons. Save your money for things that really matter – mas cartuchos!  Choose ducks, more ducks, or duck combos. After more than a decade of specializing in duck hunting trips, we’ve amassed the perfect collection of real Argentina duck hunting trips for true hunters.  As genuine American duck hunters ourselves, we know real duck hunting.

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Ramsey Russell's collection offers the proven best Mexico duck hunting experiences available for collectors and hunting enthusiasts. - Browse Mexico hunts

Argentina Hunting Waterfowl


Consistent shooting, generous duck limits, lodging, dining and service - Browse Argentina hunts


Sea Duck Hunting

Harlequins, Pacific Eiders, Barrows’s and Common Goldeneyes, Atlantic Ediers and majestic King Eiders - Browse Sea Duck Hunting hunts

Guest Appearance Podcasts


Ramsey Russell Worldwide: Brennan Hudson, Specks, and The Numbers Game

In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, Ramsey Russell visits with Brennan Hudson, Alberta Waterfowl Outfitters, to discuss specklebelly geese, their migration, how waterfowling has turned into a numbers game and why it may not be so good for the sport. Another great Ramey Russell Worldwide episode from Ramsey out on the […]

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Ramsey Russell Podcast

LIfe’s Short, Get Ducks: ” Preferences, Hefinator Stories, Huge Announcement about a Future Potential Guest, and My

In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, Ramsey Russell and Rocky Leflore get together for another episode of the Life’s Short, Get Ducks series. They talk about our differences in taste. We find out Ramsey may very well be a liberal. Then, Ramsey tells some stories from his days of knowing Rob Heflin. Rocky surprises […]



Ramsey Russell and Rocky Leflore get together for another edition Life’s Short, Get Ducks. They go in-depth about the story behind the episode “Life’s Short GetDucks Argentina: The Path” released by today. How did two guys that were worlds apart have similar trying life stories in life, but end up duck hunting in Argentina […]

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Ramsey Russell Duck Gun Podcast

Ramsey Russell – Hunting Ducks Across the Globe!

On today’s episode, Elliott and I are joined by Ramsey Russell, We discuss everything from his Duck Hunting Travels and much, much more!

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Ramsey Russell and Dr. Phil on duckDNA

Ramsey Russell and Dr. Phil on duckDNA

With duckDNA season 1 now in the books, DU teams up with Ramsey Russell of It’s Duck Season Somewhere and Dr. Phil Lavretsky to review early scientific insights, odd ducks, and the overall excitement around the project. Co-hosts Dr. Mike Brasher and Dr. Jerad Henson visit with Ramsey and Phil, compare notes on their experiences, […]

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In this edition of the The End Of The Line podcast, Ramsey Russell meets with Rocky Leflore before heading out to South Africa. In upcoming weeks, Ramsey will be plains game hunting South Africa with family for a week, and then join Ryan Bassham and Jake Latendresse to shoot another webisode in the Life’s Short, […]

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DuckSouth Tips and Tactics: The Bi-Polar Gadwall

Josh Webb, Ramsey Russell, and Rocky Leflore talk gadwalls. We discuss how they are looked down upon, the science behind the gadwall, and tips to help you kill more of them.

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Ramsey Russell


In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, Ramsey Russell and Rocky Leflore get together and discuss the hunters that are consistently successful. Why is it? It all goes back to the two P’s. All that and more! It is a great episode with Ramsey, sure to become an instant classic that everyone enjoys. We […]

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Life's Short GetDucks


"Ramsey Russell elimated the guess work out of looking for an A-1 guide service. It’s very cool that someone out th..."
Top-notch and extremely knowledgable guides that made us feel like this was really OUR hunt and we could hunt however and whenever we wanted to and they were open to any suggestions we might have on the hunt. Most amazing hunting trip I’ve ever been on!  Ramsey Russell elimates the guess work out of looking for an A-1 guide […]
- Logan Roberts

Read hundreds of reasons why GetDucks is the best!
"wonderful Argentina bird hunting trip!..."
We had a wonderful Argentina bird hunting trip! My husband has been waiting to come and finally Anita talked me into it by sharing all her experiences. It was cool and wonderful weather. For women to shopping beautiful La Paz cathedral, spa time and so much more. I probably gain many pounds because the food […]
- Jan and Sam Lauderdale

Read hundreds of reasons why GetDucks is the best!
"well worth the price!..."
We had a wonderful time goose hunting in Saskatchewan Canada.  Goose hunting was a little off compared to what I’d been told by returning hunters in our group, but the mild weather was great and the guides did a real good job.  All in all, the whole trip, meals, friendship, lodging and hunting was well […]
- Shane Grinder

Read hundreds of reasons why GetDucks is the best!
"This Rio Salado Argentina duck hunting operation is truly one of the great duck hunting destinations in the world…..."
The recent email that Chris sent really summarizes our Argentina duck hunting trip most accurately. Ramsey, the trip was everything you represented and exceeded my expectations. Whereas I thought our little boys would shoot a couple of boxes of shells in the course of a morning hunt, I was so proud to hear them  banging away […]
- Bob Stuck

Read hundreds of reasons why GetDucks is the best!
"Finest Argentina duck and dove hunting ever experienced..."
In 4 trips to South America, La Paz was the finest Argentina duck and dove hunting I have ever experienced.  The people, the place, the shooting and the food were second to none.  You’re very lucky to have someone like Martha that cares as much as you do about clients. I will be back. Jay Moum […]
- Jay Moum

Read hundreds of reasons why GetDucks is the best!
"Ramsey – you’re excellent to deal with, communicative, and gave good information before the trip. Will defi..."
Ramsey – you’re excellent to deal with, communicative, and gave good information before the trip. We killed the only longbeard we saw while we were there but there were A LOT of jakes.  We will likely go back next year. Michael Simmons Referenced hunt: Oklahoma turkey hunting
- Michael Simmons

Read hundreds of reasons why GetDucks is the best!
"Mexico Brant Hunting – The most valuable thing to me about dealing with is service and quality of hun..."
Thanks for another great trip. My father and I had a great time. Great hospitality, great service and great hunting. We really enjoy the Mexico brant hunting. I love hearing the ocean in the back ground and how well the brant respond to calling and decoys. The most valuable thing to me about dealing with is service […]
- Sean Wilson

Read hundreds of reasons why GetDucks is the best!
"Argentina duck hunting – Life was good!..."
Anita, I know Ramsey is out of the country, but I wanted you’ll to know that our Argentina duck hunting trip went off without a single snag. We had some great food, great shooting and plenty to drink. Life was good! Now back to reality (work). Here are a few pictures. Notice dad’s bloody finger […]
- Herman & Karl Busing

Read hundreds of reasons why GetDucks is the best!

Press Room

"Outdoor Writers and Other Liars"
Ramsey Russell’s terrific southern teal safari feature was one that I just loved recently (Sept. WF). He is an intuitive storyteller. I was supposed to make that trip with him but couldn’t, yet you were right there with him when you read it. Mouth-watering descriptions of food and peculiarities of southern life and teal obsession, […]

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He picked up the idea from his pal Ramsey Russell of Brandon, whose organizes trophy duck hunts. Russell’s duck poppers, wrapped around cherries, figs and other fruits triggered some taste bud imagination. “He offers duck hunts all over the world, so he comes back with some good recipes from all over the world,” Nolan […]

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The king eider was banded on St. Paul Island on March 14, 1996 as an adult. Here’s exactly how special this bird is: from 1962 to 2011 only 591 king eiders have been banded. Of those, only nine bands have been collected. Peterson’s makes 10. Read Full Story:   Alaskan Hunter Takes Extremely Rare Banded King […]

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"International Waterfowler Goes To Arizona As Part Of Nationwide Tour"
Why would a world-renown waterfowler go to the desert to hunt ducks? Because they are there. There was still a bit of a chill in the air late last year as the sun began to rise over Phoenix, Arizona. No wind. No clouds. It was to be a blue bird day in the desert. Bobbing in the […]

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Whistlers and wigeon squeals cut through the dark the next morning as he and I sat a small pond. Colors peeped from the shadows as ducks splashed down. By 8 a.m., I’d broken the extractor on my old gun and Diego and I had to take turns with his Beretta, chiding each other’s shooting from […]

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US Hunt List Hunts

Nebraska Waterfowl Hunts

nebraska duck hunts

Great Nebraska waterfowl hunting. SIXTEEN MILES of fabled North Platte River duck hunting area on nearly 400,000 acres associated properties under exclusive wraps. Expect some of North America's very best mallard and big Canada goose hunting.
See more about Nebraska Waterfowl Hunts

New England Sea Duck Hunting

Best Guided Sea Duck Hunts New England

World renown for its eider hunting, New England waterfowling offers an incredible change of scenery and is an excellent place to check off lots of North America waterfowl species. RPM Outdoors specializes in making your hunt priorities a reality.
See more about New England Sea Duck Hunting

Texas Waterfowl Hunt – Desert Paradise


Texas waterfowl hunt packages features relatively unpressured ducks, geese and sandhill cranes in an area so large it takes 3 lodges to cover and so ecologically diverse that most Central Flyway waterfowl species can be hunted!
See more about Texas Waterfowl Hunt – Desert Paradise

Nova Scotia Sink Box Duck Hunting

Nova Scotia Sink Box Duck Hunting

Incredible sink box duck hunting in beautiful Nova Scotia Canada for scoters, long-tailed ducks and black ducks
See more about Nova Scotia Sink Box Duck Hunting

Saskatchewan Canada Waterfowl Hunts


Prairie Limits Outfitters delivers superior Saskatchewan Canada waterfowl hunts in "The land of Living Skies."
See more about Saskatchewan Canada Waterfowl Hunts

Nebraska Duck Hunt


World-class Nebraska duck hunting targeting mallards and Canada geese in the fabled North Platte River Valley. Long-time professional outfitter has a proven track-record for success in Nebraska and Wyoming.
See more about Nebraska Duck Hunt

Wyoming Waterfowl Hunting

Wyoming Duck Hunting

World-class hunting for mallards and Canada geese along the legendary North Platte River in Wyoming-Nebraska with long-time professional outfitter that has a proven track-record for success.
See more about Wyoming Waterfowl Hunting

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As strong advocates of conservation, supports the following organizations:

Ducks Unlimited Dallas Safari Club National Rifle Association Delta Waterfowl SCI