Good trip, good company, and good experience!
– John Ostrand
“Ramsey Russell’s bent over backwards for me from the time my flight got detoured to Chili due to volcanic disruption of flights into Buenos Aires, and I want you to know how much my wife and I appreciate your hard work and genuine concern. A real positive that came out of this is working with you. I have been burned in the past by outfitters, but now know I can trust you folks at to the fullest!! At anytime you need a reference for a client, I am available for you. The duck hunting was excellent. Everyone COULD NOT have been more organized, accommodating or more willing to please than this group!! Food was incredible. All people involved were great. Had some great hunts. Had two pretty slow hunts, but I think the staff took more offense too it than I did. I averaged more than 80 ducks per day. Everyone at gets gold star ratings. Anita was up to every detail and was there to help at a moment’s notice. Without doubt I would rate this as a truly rewarding experience. I would highly recommend as very reliable people to do business with.”
Doug Anderson
Referenced Hunt: Argentina Duck Hunting Jacana
Note: Mr. Anderson, like many visitors to Argentina during 2011, experienced flight disruption due to volcanic ash in the atmosphere that originated more than 2,000 miles away, in Chile. Anytime the wind blew cloud-looking ash toward Buenos Aires, air space was closed and flights were either delayed or rerouted. We successfully worked not only with Travel Insurance but directly with lodge operators to ensure that not a single client forfeited a single day’s hunt.
The entire Canada hunting experience was excellent. The time spent with staff defined my Canada waterfowl hunting experience. They are a very good team, very professional. Deb made me feel very much at home and appreciated. The staff were professional, engaging and enthusiastic – funny as well. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. They were very good at finding the birds in a very vast hunting landscape and putting us on birds. The hunting was excellent. For what it’s worth, all of the hunts were very good – none better or worse than the other. Anita’s pre-trip planning was very helpful. I rate the Canada goose and duck hunting experience a 10 and will recommend it to friends. This type of hunting is very different than how I hunt in Arkansas and I enjoyed every minute.
Matt De Luca
“Great opportunities to merely relax and for customers to shoot whatever they choose. Great is the operation and the scouting his team does–very knowledgable. Excellent placement of hunters for quality numbers of birds. excellent time. Our group’s last day hunt tally was 50 Canadas and 50 mallards-hard to beat. Will be back in the future.”
Jared Winters
Referenced Hunt: Saskatchewan Canada Duck Hunt
“Anita and Ramsey, It was a great trip and thank you for all of your assistance. Here are a couple of good pics for y’all.”
Michael Guerriero
Referenced Hunt: Saskatchewan Duck and Goose Hunting in Canada
“Hunting is an all year passion fueled by the enjoyment of preparing fields, actually hunting, socializing with friends and reliving the experiences over a scrumptious meals and fine liquors. For forty plus years, I have relished that privilege here in the great State of Mississippi. During the past ten years, I reached a chronologic age and station in life that afforded the opportunity to chase some of those childhood hunting dreams. After multiple waterfowl hunts in Canada and a recent African safari, I was keenly interested in high volume dove and duck shooting in Argentina.
I received a multitude of suggestions on Argentina outfitters and lodges. In my opinion, Ramsey Russell is first class, a pleasure to hunt with and be around. I choose because I know Ramsey will move mountains to make an Argentina hunting vacation the trip of a lifetime. Boy, did he deliver this time!
He is well organized, efficient, and thorough. His wife, Anita, coordinates flights, paperwork, and logistics. Complete turn key services and they are always available to answer any questions or solve travel problems if they arise. A month before we left, we met Ramsey at Tico’s Steak House. He provided last minute tips and insights about what to expect. Talk about a prelude of things to come!
Words can’t adequately describe hunting in Argentina. We first enjoyed 4 days of superb Argentina duck hunting under very comfortable conditions, with phenomenal numbers and many different species. Stellar accommodations, parakeet shooting during the midday lull, libations as requested, a multi-course dinner with edible art for dessert made me think I was at the Ritz Carlton instead of a duck hunting lodge.
Ramsey coordinated a personal guide for our overnight in Buenos Aires. I strongly recommend taking advantage this service. The guide arranged an excellent dining experience and made sure we caught our flight to Cordoba the next morning and resolved a problem at the airport.
Cordoba dove hunting is indescribable. Personal guides, more birds than one can imagine, and the opportunity to shoot until literally one doesn’t want to shoot any more. A delightful lunch prepared over an open fire and served with excellent red wine, followed by a short siesta broke the day into two halves, each rivaling the other as to which was more fulfilling. As one arrives at the estancia, there stands Diego with one’s drink of choice. A stint in the hot tub rehashing great shots and comparing ridiculous numbers of doves taken, followed by a one hour relaxing massage made the meal almost seem anticlimactic or one would think. The diversity of entre choices prodded me to hit the shower and quickly regroup so as not to miss an opportunity to add a pound.
I had the privilege of enjoying this trip with one of my best friends and his son, and another friend and his stepson. We enjoyed exclusive use of La Dormida, and Ramsey paired us with some excellent new friends at Jacana. The intimacy of small groups was perfect. We’re always made to feel like friends, not customers. I strongly recommend Ramsey Russell as hunting travel agent and’s Argentina wingshooting programs. I eagerly await the opportunity to return, and yearn for the time when my son will be old enough to share this special experience.”
-Shelby Brantley
Referenced hunts: Jacana Argentina Duck Hunting, La Dormida Argentina Dove Hunting
I have been hunting ducks, and traveling places to hunt ducks, for just about 30 years now (and started long enough ago that “old style” camo was the only camo). I promise you that I have run across just about every combination of guide, outfitter, travel agent, and indian chief that there has ever been in the hunting travel business. After traveling with I recommend them to you without reservation. Ramsey Russell is the guy that is meant to be in the hunting travel business. He doesn’t get tangled up in frills like some agencies; quality hunting experiences are paramount so unless it accompanies unequalled wingshooting, you’ll have book the wine tour elsewhere. is nuts and bolts, gunpowder and mud. They will get you to your destination, get you home, and make sure everything works the way it’s supposed to in both directions. He takes this business personally and is never too busy to unravel occasional travel problems – he’ll call you on your cell, he’ll do it after 5 pm or on a weekend. He’s done it for me and he’ll do it for everyone, every time. Ramsey loves duck hunting, and when he is not arranging hunts for his clients, he hunts ducks with close friends and family. is purposefully a family company, a specialty company that does just one thing really, really, well: They deliver quality bird hunting experiences. I respect that. Isn’t that just the kind of outfit you want to do business with in the first place?
Doug Larsen, author of Don’t Shoot the Decoys and The Duck Gods Must be Crazy, regular contributor to Ducks Unlimited magazine, Sporting Classics magazine, The Retriever Journal, Shooting Sportsman, Texas Sporting Journal and others, and co-host of Beretta Waterfowler’s Edge.
“I very much enjoyed our Uruguay duck and Argentina dove hunts. Food, lodging, and hunting were exceptional! Most telling to me was the attention you paid to all other aspects of the trip. Travel arrangements, gear lists, and timely communication are but a few of the areas where you have raised the bar compared to others I have booked hunts through.
Great duck hunting, fabulous food, fine lodging, and no surprises are the hallmarks of a waterfowl hunt. How you manage to put such trips together at consistently lower prices than your competitors is beyond me.
As I reflect on all the outfitted hunts I have been on over the years, 2 are superior to all others in every way – this Argentina dove hunt combined with Uruguay duck hunt, and the Alberta Canada goose hunt 2 years ago. It is no coincident that both were booked through you. Looking forward to the next one!”
Ian Munn
Referenced Hunt(s): Uruguay Duck Hunting, Cordoba Argentina Dove Hunting, Alberta Canada Goose Hunting
“Beautiful scenery and excellent quality of shotguns. Ramsey, you went out of your way to ensure we had a great time while duck hunting in Mexico.”
Matt Perkins
Referenced Hunt: Mazatlan Duck Hunting
“Thanks for putting together another great Argentina duck hunt. The last morning, in particular, will always be one of my fondest wingshooting memories!
I’d have had a great time even if the ducks had not flown, but we sure put a hurt on them.”
– Robert Story
Referenced Hunt: Argentina Duck Hunt Jacana