Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

MOJO’S Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

A Thriving South Africa Game Management Industry

Most of South Africa can be described similarly to parts of South Texas: sprawling, brush-covered properties teaming with game animals managed under endless miles of high-fence. While watching a sporty dove and rock pigeon shoot, professional game manager Weynand De Jager describes the arduous undertakings required in reconciling herd numbers with habitat availability, and an enormous industry of supplying venison and game animal by-products worldwide. What do game managers like Weynand do? What’s cull hunting, how’s it differ from sport hunting, how’s it implemented and by whom? Why does Ramsey claim he might have “found his calling if this GetDucks thing doesn’t work out”? How heavily is this industry regulated, how quickly are game processed, meat wagons filled? What becomes of all that meat,  what animal parts are used? How important is game farming to wildlife conservation in South Africa?  Chalk this one up to really cool stuff learned on long drives between hunts, took me way out of my feather-covered wheelhouse and was too good not to share.


Related Topics:

GetDucks South Africa Duck Hunting Combo

Finding Comfort in Numbers, Then versus Now

Ramsey Russell joins Texas waterfowl hunting historian and author Rob Sawyer for a fast-paced, Texas-style blue-winged teal hunt at the beautiful Spread Oaks Ranch in coastal Matagorda County. After an incredible breakfast that included platter-sized country ham steaks smoked on-site, their conversation starts briefly with blue-winged teal hunting and habitat management before channeling through and infusing past and present mindsets of American duck hunting. Has it always been a numbers game or is there a little something more to it? Check out Robert Sawyer’s landmark Texas waterfowl history books using the link below.


Related Links:

Robert K. Sawyer Books: A Hundred Years of Texas Waterfowl Hunting, Texas Market Hunting, Images of the Hunt: A photographic History of Texas Waterfowling

Oyster Bayou Observations, Gene Campbell

Following an epic blue-winged teal hunt in Chambers County, Texas, Ramsey visits with Mr. Gene Campbell at Oyster Bayou Hunting Club.  Gene’s observations are based on more than a half-century of duck hunting and managing habitat in this fabled region. While good deal of their discussion pivots around habitat management practices (both moist-soil and submerged aquatics)–and y’all will want to hear this– other topics include blue-winged teal migrational status, avian influenza, black-bellied and fulvous whistling ducks, bag limits, sanctuary and more. A legendary figure in Southeast Texas waterfowling, Gene’s insights are invaluably timely.

Wetlands Management for Waterfowl: Fall Considerations

Waterfowl season is fast approaching the Deep South and preparing for the upcoming season is perfect timing to consider next year’s habitat management. Natural Resources Conservation Services Wildlife Biologist, Kevin Nelms, joins Ramsey Russell for another highly informative Wetlands Management for Waterfowl discussion. Fall disturbances, how and when to flood, invertebrates and other seasonal topics are talked about. Scroll back to hear parts 1-3 of this ongoing series of you’ve not yet heard them. A link to Wetlands Management for Waterfowl Handbook (PDF) is also attached.


Related Links:

Wetland Management for Waterfowl (PDF)

Heart and Hands Hospitality in South Africa

Rianna Bösman manages the 7-room Highveld Splendour Boutique Hotel in South Africa, treating guests to her amazing South Africa hospitality.  GetDucks hunters sure love this stop along their South Africa hunting tour!  What notable South Africa dishes does she prepare guests? Where’d she learn to cook and how’d she get into the hospitality business? What does she mean by having her heart and hands in the right place? Any secrets for dealing with so many guests from around the world? What’s South Africa aperitif concludes happy hour? Proper South Africa duck hunting experiences go beyond the duck blind. Here’s a small taste.


Related Topics:

GetDucks South Africa Duck Hunting Combo

Talking September Teal in Tiger Country

It’s teal season! Alligator sauce piquant–and all kinds of other great stuff–are stinking the pot, the fish fryer and grill are going, there’s a bouray game underway, LSU is on TV, cajun music is playing. Laughs and drinks galore. Just a typcial Saturday night in South Louisiana, but it’s September so we’ve all been blue-winged teal hunting. The 2021 North American Waterfowl Tour is underway and Ramsey visits with friends John Hebert, Deneshia Larson, Brent Sawyer, Chris Meche and Dale Bordelon to talk about everything under the sun they’re been talking about in the blind the past few days!  Fun episode with friendships that were literally forged while blue-winged teal hunting here.

Blue-winged Teal Hunting Southwest Louisiana

Born and raised in a small farming community in southwest Louisiana, Damon Hebert of Hebert’s Custom Decoy Rigs, lives less than a mile from his family home. He moved due to recent storm damage. How’d he start duck hunting and hunt does he most remember with his dad? What’s it like hunting in this region, what habitat types are hunted, what are prevalent species? How are crawfish farmed, what’s the relation to rice farming? Why’d he swap to 28-gauge? Why did he patent his version of the Texas decoy rig? How does he catch bullfrogs–and how many did he say he catches during a season?! The 2021 North American Waterfowl Tour officially kicks off in southwest Louisiana!

Experiencing Real South African Wingshooting, Part 2

It’s a chilly night in South Africa. Ramsey Russell and longtime Professional Hunter Mike Currie are huddled around a crackling fireplace with some of the best bird dogs on earth as their conversation about experiencing real South African wingshooting continues. Getting down to the nitty-gritty of a proper South Africa duck hunting combo, they run through a variety of fun subjects to include driven guineafowl, francolin, Currie’s prized pointers and Ramsey’s favorite, those big ol’ spur-winged geese! South Africa is among the top shotgunning destinations on earth whether for species collecting, trigger pulling or both, but above all else, it’s just a flat-out uniquely awesome experience.


Related Topics:

GetDucks South Africa Duck Hunting Combo

Everything but the Squeal in Southwest Louisiana

Boudin is a south Louisiana cultural staple and everyone has their favorites. Find fresh-made boudin and you’ll find all kinds of uniquely south Louisiana pork delicacies for which the region is truly famous. What is cajun boudin and how does it differ from place to place? How’d it become so deeply rooted in Louisiana culture? Where’d the recipe for one of Ramsey’s favorites originate and why’s it different than some others? How much boudin sausage is made daily in this rural farming community? What’s the best way to prepare it at home? What other parts of the pig are eaten?  Roger Laughlin owns Mr. T’s in Elton, Louisiana. Following a blue-winged teal hunt, he tells Ramsey about the making of boudin, other smoked meats and favorite duck recipes, sharing an authentic taste of south Louisiana’s culture.  Question to listeners: who makes your favorite Louisiana boudin?

The Gatherin’ Girl Mixes Art, Food and Nature

Free spirit Tori Loomis grew up across the river from historical Natchez, Mississippi, where she now lives, plying her trade and paying her dues in the service industry. Formally trained in culinary arts, her lifestyle is an immersive combination of art, food and nature. How did culinary arts school conflict with her upbringings, and what valuable skillsets did she walk away with? What’s her connection to food, what human connections influenced her? How does eating engage all of our senses? How is cooking as artform, and how does hunting inspire her?  How are recipes as instinctual as art? Walking Ramsey through her recipes used preparing lunch, Loomis ties it all together perfectly. Great meals pay tribute to hunting and to the game hunted. As hunting season nears, the gatherin’ girl Tori Loomis shares her craft in a way we can all sink our teeth into it. Bon appétit.

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As strong advocates of conservation, supports the following organizations:

Ducks Unlimited Dallas Safari Club National Rifle Association Delta Waterfowl SCI