Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

MOJO’S Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

EP 348. Pursuit-Based Hearing Protection

Listen up, folks! Lucas Mashtare has been with Tetra Hearing since the very beginning. And in the world of pursuit-based hearing protection, they’re now at the very top of the heap. But why? Lucas explains how Tetra Hearing systems work to protect the only only set of hearing the Good Lord gave us, how their innovative systems have evolved, and what systems are available. He also describes how Tetra Hearing–and customers–give back with a 2% for Conservation Program. Can you hear me now? Dang straight. Thanks Tetra!

EP 347. See, Try and Buy at DUX at Texas Motor Speedway May 5-7

Duck Unlimited’s David Schuessler is back in the studio! We recap the past duck season, agreeing that for many reasons it was the best its been in along while. He also gives an update of the Into the Vault online auction, hinting at what items are already showing up for next year! “You can see, try and buy anything duck hunting related under the sun,” he says about the upcoming everything outdoors Ducks Unlimited Expo (DUX) that’ll be May 5-7 at Texas Motor Speedway. Tune in to hear why you’ll probably want to mark your calendars and attend this incredible fun-for-the-whole-family consumer event that’s growing leaps and bounds for very good reason!


Related Links:

Ducks Unlimited Expo May 5-7, Texas Motor Speedway

EP 346. Hidden War: Reclaiming America’s Wildlands from Drug Cartels

Lt. John Nores, Jr. (now retired) grew up duck hunting in California. He was still a young game warden when accidentally stumbling into his first illegal marijuana grow in the heavily wooded outskirts of California civilization.  His career remainder was defined by Marijuana Eradication Taskforce investigations throughout California.   The scope of illegal grows in California and throughout the entire United States is staggering, generating cash-crop sales exponentially greater than the sum of wheat and corn sales combined.  Societal costs are steep: America’s public lands are being decimated. Hazardous wastes, unregulated resource depletion and wildlife habitat loss are ugly by-products. And cartels send only their best growers illegally across the US border, where they’re heavily armed against intruders. For reasons Lt. Nores explains, legalization has possibly only made this problem worse.



John Nores website

EP 345. Birds of a Feather Together: Mazatlan Mexico Duck Hunting

Hunting destinations attract certain hunter mind-sets. During a recent Mazatlán Mexico duck hunting adventure, guests came from all walks of life, a real US coast-to-coast representation of hunters. Most were solo hunter bookings. They describe how duck hunting in Mazatlán compares to hunting back home, what they enjoyed most, favorite species, meals, lodging, and, of course, the people they met. Their vacation experiences are absolute proof that birds of a feather flock together. Whether curious about what all the fuss is about or considering a south of the border hunt, these episodes are always popular. Listen to find out why!

EP 344. Mallard Rockstars

Mallard ducks, absolute rockstars of duck hunting universe. Found throughout Northern Hemisphere, they’re prized for their beauty, size, and succulence. Practically the entire dabbling duck hunting playbook was scripted for mallards. But did you know there are 13 mallard-like species worldwide (both hemispheres among 5 continents)? They share similar habitats, vocalizations and behavior, but why does only the iconic Mallard have colorful breeding plumage?  From which of the 13 did they all originate?! Dr. Phil Lavretsky and I deep dive into the woodpile on mallards, mallard-like genetic studies, artificial intelligence, hybridization; farm duck origins, influences, and management implications. Guaranteed to be one of the most interesting and enlightening waterfowl conversations you’ve heard in a long while!

EP 343. Legacy of the American Duck Call

Howard Harlan lives on the outskirts Nashville, where he grew up duck hunting and has been a hunting memorabilia collector for as long as can be remembered.  At one time, his duck call collection was world’s largest and depicted in his book, “The Legacy of the American Duck Call.”  In discussing American duck call origins, he describes where and why the duck call was likely invented, how and why it evolved, favorite call makers, how he got started and why he sold his collection. Plenty of great stories along the way to include–surprise– a few about his famous Music City neighbors! Y’all are going to love this one!

EP 342. Setting the Record Straight

Hunting is conservation, and we all preach its merits.  Unfortunately, too oftentimes we’re mostly just preaching to our own choir members.  Introduced by her immigrant father to the great outdoors while a child, it wasn’t until pursuing a journalism degree that Gabriella Hoffman embraced guns and hunting–and found footing in hunting advocacy. The myriad ways anti-hunters undermine hunting value is mind-boggling, and we discuss ways you’d never imagine. For her, it’s about setting the record straight. Via public speaking engagements, her District of Conservation podcast and social media platforms, she reaches the 80-percent middle ground that too many of us do not. Or cannot. And that’s a very good thing.

EP 341. “Real Ramsey Shit” in Guatemala

Guatemala is a new up-and-coming, work-in-progress GetDucks hunt. It’ll eventually get there, but while visiting recently, was reminded of just how challenging these start-from-scratch hunts can be. In today’s episode, I meet with a couple longtime, been-there-done-that associates to hear their thoughts. It’s a candid, behind-the-scenes glimpse that social media posts don’t really depict.

EP 340. A Sportsman’s Culture

A lifelong Virginian, 22 year-old Chris Lacativa cut his teeth hunting with his dad and was first introduced to Safari Club International at age 10. He’s now their digital marketing specialist. Our conversation spins around hunting in Virginia, how a young person became involved with the preeminent First For Hunters organization in America, and its importance to all hunters of all ages–or damned well should be.

EP 339. Azerbaijan Duck Hunting Report

Last year’s plans were derailed when we received positive test results on the way, but we finally made it to Azerbaijan happen. Meeting with father and son operators of North Dakota’s oldest waterfowl resort, our long awaited Azerbaijan duck hunt is discussed. Tune in to hear about this unique hunting destination.

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As strong advocates of conservation, supports the following organizations:

Ducks Unlimited Dallas Safari Club National Rifle Association Delta Waterfowl SCI