Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

MOJO’S Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

EP 539. West Virginia Duck Hunt

“Almost Heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River,” go the John Denver lyrics. The iconic song never mentions ducks or duck hunting. For good reason. Because they’re few and far between, but not impossible. State 48 was a huge, successful adventure thanks to friend Mike Smith. Following a couple eventful days duck hunting West Virginia, we crack open a couple Busch Lights, recall the weeks events, talk about his growing up and duck hunting in this off-the-beaten-flyway part of Appalachia.

EP 537. Prince Edward Island Duck Hunting

This season’s 6-province Canadian part if the tour terminates 8 miles into the Atlantic–as easterly as personally ever been in North America–on the picturesque Prince Edward Island where my host, Geoff “Woody” Wood welcomes me with fresh Malpeque oysters and kicks things off with as traditional island-style decoys as it gets. Following a couple days memorable black duck hunts and eats, and with a nor’easter blowing outside, we talk about Prince Edward Island duck hunting, species, techniques, food, habitat changes and more.

EP 536. Powered by Inukshuk–And Here’s Why

Our beloved retrievers are our ride-and-die best friends, but they’re also high-performing athletes with singular life missions to recover downed birds regardless of weather conditions. They deserve the very best nutrition. With an if-you-know-you-know, almost cult-like following among serious US retriever circles, Inukshuk Professional Dog Food is sold directly to consumers and has no ambitions of being widely distributed in big-box retailers. Raised into the business, company president Emily Corey describes Inukshuk Professional Dog Food’s humble origins, explaining how and for what purposes their highly digestible, calorie-dense formulas are derived, why Inukshuk is the highest quality dog food available, how their direct-to-consumer model ensures superior freshness, and why a “corporate culture” that keeps them in close, personal contact with customers is win-win-win.

Related Links:

InukShuk Professional Dog Food 


EP 535. New Brunswick Canada Duck Hunting, Eh?

A month-and-a-half and 11-plus-thousand miles after starting this year’s North American Waterfowl Road Trip finally arrives to new territory, to the land-time-forgot (so described for reasons discussed herein) province of New Brunswick, Canada. Joining local go-getter hunters Matt Wilson and Stephen Margison, am immersed neck-deep into Maritime Canada waterfowl hunting culture where distances are described relative to time, where directions are described relative to the St. Johns River, and where daily agendas are relative to Canada geese, black ducks and mallards. It’s here that was inspired to conform my chicken-fried recipe to local standard (recipe shared). “Canada duck hunting” may not have evoked thoughts of New Brunswick in the past, but you better believe it will moving forward! Bet that you’ll agree, eh?

EP 534. Moonshine Creek, NB

Breaking a streak of mishaps, happening by accident onto Moonshine Creek Distillery was pure luck. It was maybe even some kind of divine providence. “Well, I’ve been making it legally for about 6 years,” says Jeremiah Brooks in giving us the full run down, explaining how he went from tending bars and improving his understanding of spirits to creating the Canada Whiskey of the Year—plus a bar-top-full assortment of unique flavors reflecting real New Brunswick–just a few short years later. More than a tasty deep-dive into various spirits, the conversation provides an interesting view of Maritime Canada and it’s historically blurred-boundary relationship with the US that’s located down winding roads a short distance away. Bottoms up!

EP 533. Here Comes Santa Clause–Into the Vault

Just in time for Christmas–because few if any of us are leaving the blind to elbow our way through crowded shopping malls–Duck Unlimited’s David Schuessler takes us Into the Vault, where this year’s offerings are bigger and better than ever. Whether trying to find something for that someone’s that’s hard to shop for, or shopping for yourself, here’s your extraordinary chance to claim rare and exclusive treasures, from unique, one-of-a-kind firearms to remarkable prints and never-before-seen relics. Bidding opened November 27–go check it out now.  And best of all–you’re giving back to the ducks, too!

EP 532. Mississippi Duck Season Opener Traditions

Back home for the Mississippi duck season opener, Ramsey meets his 2 favorite hunting buddies, sons Forrest and Duncan. Duck season opener at camp a decades-old tradition. Recalling past times and people, they discuss the day’s events and plot the season’s remainder.

EP 531. Father-Son Hunting Trip of a Lifetime

Ramsey hears what fathers and sons most enjoyed about their bucket-list hunt in Argentina for ducks, doves, pigeons and more. Their answers might surprise you. And how the heck did Ramsey go from favorite nephew to 5th-favorite of only four?! Tune in to find out. Whether curious about what it’s all about or thinking about a bucket-list hunt yourself, you’ll probably enjoy these candid perspectives.

EP 530. SPECIAL Waterfowl Migration Forecast

What kind of migration might you expect to see this duck season? FowlWeather Podcast host, Michael Schummer, returns to give us the lowdown on this year’s migration forecast, explaining how and why his forecast indices were developed, important cues to monitor, how to stay updated weekly, and relevance to both anxious duck hunters and to continuing science-based, hunter-oriented waterfowl management.  By the time this special episode airs, the US waterfowl hunting season will be ongoing nearly nationwide, and this conversation offers food for thought while awaiting waterfowl over your decoys!

EP 529. For Seventy-One Years a Duck Hunter (Part 2)

PART 2—For 71 years, Worth Matthewson of Eugene, Oregon, has chased waterfowl and other gamebirds throughout North America and worldwide. A genuine side-by-side and big-bore aficionado, he’s authored many books and is widely recognized as an authority in waterfowling history, having accumulated so many stories it takes 2 episodes to scratch the surface good. With unrivaled perspective, Matthewson covers many topics to include an early interest in birds, memorable hunting locations, influences, favorite species and the ones that elude him still, collecting big-bore and traditional shotguns, recovering a favorite shotgun 2 years after losing it overboard, a tragic hunt on Tillamook Bay, favorite and most challenging gamebird species, punt gunning, hunting worldwide with his hunting partner wife, sportsmanship and bag limits, old-school and modern-day waterfowl hunting methods, best hunter ever met, band-tail pigeon hunting, selling off his collection for a good cause, changes he’s witnessed, things he’d maybe change, hopes and concerns for the future of waterfowling, and much more.

Mojo OutdoorsTom BeckbeFlashBack DecoysVoormiTetra HearingDucks Unlimited HuntProofInukshuk Professional Dog FoodonX MapsBow and Arrow OutdoorsAlberta Professional Outfitters SocietyBOSS SHOTSHELLSBenelli

As strong advocates of conservation, supports the following organizations:

Ducks Unlimited Dallas Safari Club National Rifle Association Delta Waterfowl SCI