Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

MOJO’S Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

EP 438. The Real Minnesota Vikings

Y’all can chalk today’s episode up to interesting things I’ve never, ever before heard about in goose camp. Or anywhere. According to Elroy Belgaard, vikings–and we’re talking real deal Lief Erikson stuff here–visited Minnesota more than a hundred years preceding Christopher Columbus’s “discovery” of America. There’s plenty evidence to include rune stones, moring stones, and other stuff. Why were they here, what evidence exists, what do 10 human skeletons have to do with anything, why are some scientists naysayers, who were the knights of templar—and might there really exist a raiders-of-the-lost-ark-type treasure of epic proportions somewhere in central Minnesota?!

EP 437. Pennsylvania Duck Hunting

We’re about 20 miles from the historic Gettysburg Battlefield, the waterfowl hunting has been tough even by Pennsylvania standards, but we got it done. Ramsey meets with long-time friend Nate Metcalf and Jason Cramer to talk about Pennsylvania duck and goose hunting. No differently than bs’ing in duck blinds the world over, we get into some interesting topics to include historic homes, indian sex stones, famous college classmates, and more. The things you hear while duck hunting, huh?!

EP 436. Mississippi River Diver Hunting

Hunting from an open water blind wrapped in Christmas-smelling evergreens, we were surrounded by hundreds of longlined blocks to include many of Doc’s hand-carved “Cleveland-style” decoys, lines worth of Pat’s own functional art, and even Coop the Chicken Dog’s urn decoy thrown in for good measure–because you can never have too many decoys hunting divers on the mighty Mississippi River!  Picking off bluebills, canvasbacks, buffleheads and occaisonal redheads from a nearby miles-long raft of divers, we sipped lukewarm coffee and solved world problems. Dyed-in-the-wool diver duck hunters Pat Gregory and Doc Leonard discuss old school Mississippi River diver hunting, describing what they most love about it, why they use hand-carved blocks, how it’s about more than just ducks, and what most defines this particular waterfowling experience. Good stuff to start the New Year!

EP 435. Sam’s First Duck Hunt

Growing up deer hunting, dove hunting and fishing with a couple brothers in West Alabama, Sara Burkhalter was just one of the boys, which we talk about in depth. Inspired by her duck hunting husband, their first black lab, and what she percieves as a dramatic shift in the way our children are being influenced by modern technology, Sara interupted her day-to-day job as a contruction company owner to write a children’s book. A powerfully articulate communicator, she describes why preserving old school ways of life are important and how she hopes to accomplish that with her first and future book projects. See related link below to get a copy for your kids, grandkids or neighbors.


Related Link:

Sam’s First Duck Hunt (children’s book) Visit

EP 434. Where the Hell Are the Ducks?!

It’s the week of Christmas. Coast to coast, north to south, everyone seems frustrated while awaiting south-bound ducks, asking themselves where in the hell are the ducks?! Is the sky falling? Do we really even have ducks? Or is the answer a little more straight forward? Waterfowl migration guru Dr. Michael Schummer explains what we’re seeing–or not! Using his proprietary forecast model, he even makes a prediction for the upcoming week.

EP 433. Waterfowl Eyesight: Seeing Things for What They Really Are

How well do ducks and geese really see–and how can understanding this make you a more effective waterfowl hunter? Dr. Bradley Cohen from Tennessee Tech explains waterfowl eyesight to Ramsey, focusing on depth perception, field of view, color discernment and rapid “refresh rates.” Citing many years of in-depth research, he paints a pretty clear picture. I mean, there’s a reason they sell camo long handles and face paint, huh?  Waterfowl’s ability to hear and smell are worth mentioning, but this episode is about clearly seeing waterfowl hunting for what it really is. Or isn’t. You decide.

EP 432. Oregon Duck Hunt

Ramsey scratches Oregon off the duck hunting list, leaving on Virginia and West Virginia remaining. He recounts his visit with host Brandon Potter, who describes waterfowl opportunities, waterfowl species, hunting styles, and what it’s like living and raising family in close proximity to Portland, the most left-leaning, woke-assed city in America.


Correction: In Oregon, dusky geese can only legally be hunted farther east than described in this episode. The dusky goose line is east of Benton, Clackamas, Clasp, Columbia, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Tillamoook, Washington and Yamhill counties. Simply put, east of the Cascades.


EP 431. Building a World Waterfowl Collection

Building a world waterfowl collection–and we’re talking everything–is a daunting challenge. But for hunter-scientist-curator Andy Englis, it’s just another day at the office. Why the collection and its importance, sure, but among the other interesting topics covered are his close-as-a-speartip encounter with a head hunting tribe and longest duck penises in the world. The things you learn, huh?!


Recorded during a recent hunter-scientist-conservation effort in Australia. Special thanks to Safari Club International for supporting this project to conserve waterfowl and to ensure hunting in Australia and worldwide.


EP 430. Australia Outback Goose Camp

It’s as hot while goose hunting as when cutting summertime Mississippi grass, plus there’s plenty dangerous critters in the field and water, but geese and ducks are flying! Australia’s outback no different than goose camps elsewhere around the world–good eats and good times are had by all. Falling in with the motley assortment of Australian goose hunters that Ramsey considers friends, he learns their stories. Tune in for a conversation that’s as likely familiar as it is entertaining and informative. And ask yourself this–how would an at-all-cost hardcore waterfowler like yourself fare at Australia Outback goose camp?!


Recorded during a recent hunter-scientist-conservation effort in Australia. Special thanks to Safari Club International for supporting this project to conserve waterfowl and to ensure hunting in Australia and worldwide.


EP 429. Chasing Living, Breathing Waterfowl Fossils

Waterfowl geneticist, Dr. Phil Lavretsky, Ramsey and others hunting the Australia Outback for magpie geese, whistling ducks and other endemic duck species. What makes magpie geese so unique, how are they living fossils between chicken-like birds and duck-goose-swan-type waterfowl as we know them today, and what, if any, is their relationship to reptiles and dinosaurs?  Describing the importance of sampling representative species worldwide to both institutional and applied sciences, Lavretsky also recalls what lead them to Australia, memorable people and week events, hunting values in Australia and elsewhere. Informative and entertaining discussion about living fossils of the bird world and more!


Recorded during a recent hunter-scientist-conservation effort in Australia. Special thanks to Safari Club International for supporting this project to conserve waterfowl and to ensure hunting in Australia and worldwide.


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As strong advocates of conservation, supports the following organizations:

Ducks Unlimited Dallas Safari Club National Rifle Association Delta Waterfowl SCI