Duck Hunt Argentina

Press Room

No Science No Duck Hunting?

no science no duck huntingRegards Australia Duck Hunting, anti-hunters claim that ducks are 75% below the survey long-term average, including a 58% decline from 2020 to 2021. For many it’s a compelling argument despite the survey’s much broader margin of error and decades narrower “long-term average” compared to North Americas breeding population survey.

“There’s not a place anywhere in the world, Australia included, that’s even a close second to what we have in place in North America,” said Ramsey Russell, who, as proprietor of, is a leading expert on worldwide waterfowling “It’s uniquely American. We’re passionate about the resource, we care about its perpetuity, and we’ve created a multi-billion dollar system that funds state, federal, and university monitoring.”

Lacking this level of population and hunter harvest data, it’s far more challenging to counter a claim that ducks are declining and hunting is to blame. Brice experienced this while attending Victoria’s “Select Committee” hearings on duck hunting…


Read full story: No Science No Duck Hunting?

The 28-Gauge Shotgun Can Kill Ducks as Effectively as a 12-Gauge

Benelli 28-gauge
Ramsey Russell of shooting his Benelli ETHOS Cordoba in 28-gauge. For the past 2 seasons, he’s traveled throughout North America shooting a Benelli 28-gauge almost exclusively for everything from blue-winged teal, giant Canada geese, common eiders and everything in between.

The days of steel non-toxic shot are over and modern sportsmen have many high-quality shot options available. Leading the sub-gauge revolution is BOSS Shotshells’ copper-plated bismuth-tin allow, which patterns like lead and retains about 80% the downrange energy. Couple with Benelli 28-gauge (available in both Ethos and Super Black Eagle platforms), it’s a no-brainer. But size matters?! No way. A number 4 pellet is a number 4 pellet is a number 4 pellet. Ballistically, a number 4 BOSS Shotshell pellet delivers about the same punch as a number 5 lead pellet of the glory days. For the past 2 seasons, I’ve shot 28-gauge almost exclusively throughout the United States and Canada, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, and from the Canadian prairies to the Gulf of Mexico. Using the Benelli and BOSS Shotshells combination, have bagged everything from blue-winged teal to giant Canada geese.  Proving it’s not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog, dabblers, divers, seaducks, and all North American goose species have been felled. So light you hardly no you’re carrying it, the Benelli 28-gauge has little recoil. Reduced noise reduces disturbance (have heard many clubs mandated sub-gauge rounds for this very reason). Know you’re pattern, take ethical shots, make clean kills.  Join the revolution and give it a try. You won’t regret it.

– Ramsey Russell

Read 28-Gauge Article: The 28-Gauge Shotgun Can Kill Ducks as Effectively as a 12-Gauge (At Modest Ranges)

It’s Always Duck Season Somewhere: Ramsey Russell Pursues Waterfowl to the Ends of the Earth

Ramsey RussellOne of the reasons Ramsey Russell GetDucks started on this journey was to live life to the fullest and to hunt game in places where he could be transported–if only for a little while–to a time before mankind made it’s mark upon the planet. “And that’s getting more difficult to find in the year 2023,’ he says.

“Ducks were around a long time before we were, and I want to find them living as they did before humans were here,” he says. “Before agriculture. Before civilization.”

Read Full Story: It’s Always Duck Season Somewhere: Ramsey Russell Pursues Waterfowl to the Ends of the Earth


SCI Convention Seminars on everything from Wildlife and Property Management through Food Plots to The Hunter Chef’s Wild Game Cooking Demo were held each day of the Convention, and rooms were packed to hear community legends like Jim Shockey and Ramsey Russell speak. There really was something for everyone, at every turn!”

Read Full Press Release: SCI Concludes its 2023 Annual Convention in Music City


getducks catalogThe 2023 Catalog is the biggest and best ever! View latest 44-page, full-color catalog online: Ramsey Russell’s 2023 Brochure – Offering the World’s Best Duck Hunting Experiences (hi res PDF).  Or view the online flip-page GetDucks Brochure here.

Contact us to receive your complimentary hi-res, high-quality print copy mailed directly to you. Copies also available at Safari Club International, Dallas Safari Club, and other select sporting events.

In this issue: GetDucks Company Profile • About GetDucks • It’s Always Duck Season Somewhere Highlights • The Best Argentina Duck Hunts • Ultimate South Africa Wingshooting • The Best Mexico Wingshooting • GetDucks Worldwide • Azerbaijan Hunting • Guatemala Duck Hunting • Alaska King Eider Hunting • Peru Duck Hunting • New Zealand Waterfowl Hunting • South Africa Duck and Bird Hunting • Russia Bird Hunting • Netherlands Goose Hunting • Sweden Goose Hunting • Australia Duck Hunting • Cordoba Argentina Dove Hunting • Mongolia Bird Hunting • Pakistan Duck Hunting • Client Testimonials • USHuntList Outfitters and Contacts • Wings Over Rio Salado Pictorial (Lee Kjos, Field Ethos 2022 reprint) • Affiliate Sponsors Pages • Ramsey Russell Get Ducks (Hank Burdine, Delta Magazine 2022 reprint)  • Collectors Corner • North America Waterfowl Species List • World Gamebird List (available at GetDucks destinations) • Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

Ramsey Russell Get Ducks

Ramsey Russell Get DucksRealizing that there is duck season open in some part of the world every day of the year, Ramsey Russell began exploring different locations far and near that could be accessed and hunted.  His online booking business,, begun in 2003, gained momentum as he traveled to Argentina and Canada setting up hunts.  Soon he and his wife realized that between his federal government job, his consulting business, and coordinating hunting trips, there were not enough hours in the day, a decision and a path forward had to be made.  It wasn’t easy to leave a government job with all the benefits and security, but Ramsey felt a calling, felt it was fate that he may have this opportunity, and in 2010 he turned in his resignation papers and jumped full time into exploring and setting up waterfowl hunting adventure trips all over the world.

He has been able to set up trips to places heretofore unknown to the hunting and sporting community.  Places like Azerbaijan, Peru, South Africa, Australia, Pakistan, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Argentina, among others, are exotic and lucrative locations where Ramsey pre-hunts, sets up, and then sometimes hosts hunts.  He has hunted on six continents and spends almost 225 days a year pursuing his passion.

Ramsey Russell is living the life of his dreams. He travels the world immersing himself in different and varied cultures meeting people from all walks of life, centered around a common love of wild fowling. He attributes his chance to be part of bringing a shared sporting opportunity to thousands of people to fate and responding to what God laid before him. In an article by Brian Broome in USA Today (Hunting Around the World), Ramsey states, “I almost died. You can’t take life for granted. You’re one breathe away from not having it. I learned that at too young of an age. Life is about living, not just doing. It made me very thirsty to live life at its fullest. It’s a mighty big world, but I’m going to see it.”

Read full story Ramsey Russell Get Ducks

GetDucks 2022 Catalog

View latest 40-page, full-color catalog online: Ramsey Russell’s 2022 Brochure – Offering the World’s Best Duck Hunting Experiences (hi res PDF).  Or view the online flip-page 2022 GetDucks Brochure here.

Contact us to receive your complimentary hi-res, high-quality print copy mailed directly to you. Copies also available at Safari Club International, Dallas Safari Club, and other select sporting events.

In this issue: GetDucks Company Profile • About GetDucks • It’s Always Duck Season Somewhere Highlights • The Best Argentina Duck Hunts • The Best Mexico Wingshooting • GetDucks Worldwide • Azerbaijan Hunting • Alaska King Eider Hunting • Peru Duck Hunting • New Zealand Waterfowl Hunting • South Africa Duck and Bird Hunting • Russia Bird Hunting • Netherlands Goose Hunting • Sweden Goose Hunting • Australia Duck Hunting • Cordoba Argentina Dove Hunting • Mongolia Bird Hunting • Pakistan Duck Hunting • Client Testimonials • USHuntList Outfitters and Contacts • The Boys of Rio Salado, The Good Old Days of Waterfowling Still Exist (Lee Kjos, Wheels Afield reprint) • Affiliate Sponsors Pages • The Experience Collector (Sitka Catalog reprint) • Ultimate South Africa Wingshooting • Collectors Corner • North America Waterfowl Species List • World Gamebird List (available at GetDucks destinations) • Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

Wings Over Rio Salado

Triples Rio Salado Duck Hunt Argentina

The rosy-billed pochards in Argentina’s staggeringly wild Rio Salado region are all that and more—with a notable bonus: We were the only hunters on the entire landscape.

View Full Story: Wings Over Rio Salado Argentina


Benelli Adds Legendary Waterfowler Ramsey Russell Brand Ambassador

Ramsey Russell Benelli Brand AmbassadorBenelli Adds Legendary Waterfowl Hunter Ramsey Russell as Brand Ambassador

Benelli announces the addition of legendary waterfowl hunter Ramsey Russell as its latest ambassador. Russell has waterfowl hunted on six continents and spends an average of 200 days in the field with his Benelli shotguns.

“I’ve had the good fortune to share a blind with Ramsey on several international waterfowl hunts and, although he needs no additional endorsement, he is the real deal when it comes to waterfowling,’ said Benelli Vice President of Brand Marketing Timothy Joseph. “The fact that he chose to shoot Benelli shotguns long before we met says a lot, and we’re proud to have him join the Benelli family.”

Read Benelli Press Release


Blue-Winged Teal Kickoff

blue-winged tealFounder and owner of, Ramsey Russell, travels the world in pursuit of waterfowl. He’s hunted and shot teal around the globe, exotic species such as silver, cape and Brazilian teal included, but he still enjoys teal hunting at home in Mississippi. Russell also makes shorts trips to Louisiana and Texas to hunt with friends in the two largest blue-winged teal staging areas in the U.S.

“The start of hunting season in the south begins with doves. Soon after though, the blue-winged teal hunting season arrives and it’s duck season all over again,” Russell said. “You start working on blinds, running the rivers, fishing the lakes and everyone is seeing blue-wings here and there as early as August. Those sightings get your blood pumping for the return of migrating ducks. Around that time of year, something in the wing changes and you know it’s coming.”

Read Full Story: The Blue-Winged Kickoff

Mojo OutdoorsTom BeckbeFlashBack DecoysVoormiTetra HearingDucks Unlimited HuntProofInukshuk Professional Dog FoodonX MapsBow and Arrow OutdoorsAlberta Professional Outfitters SocietyBOSS SHOTSHELLSBenelli

As strong advocates of conservation, supports the following organizations:

Ducks Unlimited Dallas Safari Club National Rifle Association Delta Waterfowl SCI