Photo Galleries
“To the hunt, to the hunter, to the hunted; to past hunts, to future hunts.”
Welcome to’s Media Gallery, a celebration of great hunts and tribute to the hunting tradition. Most images presented were captured by staff and clients.
Sure, for the sporting traveler, it’s duck season somewhere 365 days per year. But fond memories of duck hunting persist in the hearts of duck hunters almost constantly. We strive to provide maximum shooting opportunity for waterfowl and various game bird species worldwide, but memorable hunts – especially the often touted hunts-of-a-lifetime – are characterized by far more than the mere matriculation of dead fowl. The hunting experience in its fullest and richest context – the people, the food and atmosphere, the sights, sounds, geographical and cultural cues, best shots and infamous misses – is highly relevant.
We welcome client photos and will be glad to add them to our galleries. Please submit your ideas, comments and photos to
Nova Scotia Sink Box Duck Hunting

Nova Scotia sinkbox duck hunting presents a uniquely traditional method of concealment on open water that has been prohibited in the US since the Migratory Bird Treay Act. Nova Scotia has a rich and storied waterfowling histoy that guests will appreciate as they duck hunt divers and sea ducks from traditional sinkboxes. The area abounds with 2 coveted collector’s species long-tailed ducks and American black ducks in one area, goldeneye (Barrow’s and Common), black ducks, mallards and mergansers in another. Weather permitting, eider hunting to include American and Northern races, is also available.
Gould’s Wild Turkey Hunting

With a tremendous density of 3500-4000 turkeys located on the property, limited groups of hunters hunt during peak periods to assure low-pressured, high-quality Gould’s turkey hunting exeriences in an all-inclusive package for maximum travel ease. This Gould’s turkey hunt has produced 15 of the top 20 record book Gould’s wild turkeys including the top spot; beard lengths of 11-12 inches and large spurs are the rule here, not the exception.
Related Links: Gould’s Wild Turkey Hunting
King Eider Hunting Alaska

King eider hunting Alaska is the definitive waterfowl trophy hunt offering and your very best-chance to harvest trophy king eiders. Harlequins, long-tailed ducks, white-winged scoters and occasional Pacific Common Eider are also taken. More than a duck hunt, Alaska King Eider hunting is an adventure unto itself. Look to the photos and testimonials for proof. There’s nowhere more practical to hunt king eiders. And no one prepares you better than will It’s a tough hunt, and adventure, but worth the effort. King eiders will be the crown jewels of your game room, the envy of your fellow duck hunters.
Related Links: King Eider Hunting Alaska
Argentina Duck Hunt – Las Flores

Argentina Duck Hunting or combo package at Las Flores offers the perfect combination of comfortable, unpretentious lodging, excellent service and consistently BEST fast-paced shooting for which Argentina is unrivaled, but at greatest value to be had anywhere. LOTS of decoying rosy-billed pochards. Our best-selling duck hunt in Argentina, this affordable Argentina duck hunt features comfortable, well-camouflaged dry and semi-dry blinds, friendly hard-working staff and the quality equipment necessary to get ducks – lots of them. Hunting for perdiz, doves and pigeons black buck and axis deer may also be available. Package details: Las Flores Argentina Duck Hunts
Ocellated Turkey Hunting

The World Slam eventually takes you to the jungles of Mexico’s Yucutan Penisula, the only area in the world inhabited by the colorful, extremely long-spurred Ocellated Turkey. In the dark, hunter and guide listen intently for the low-pitched song of the male ocellated turkey that begins with the drumming of wings followed by the uniquely beautiful sounds (Click HERE to hear the Ocellated Turkey song). While stalking is an proven ocellated turkey hunting method, new calling techniques are also proving to be effective.
Related Links: Ocellated Turkey Hunting
Baja Mexico Pacific Black Brant Hunting

Mexico Pacific Black Brant hunting the famous wintering grounds of San Quintin Bay, Mexico, is about great brant hunting and good living. The majority of the world’s pacific back brant populations over-winters in this area due to the abundance of eel grass, a favored food source. Black brant hunting in Mexico is comfortably accomplished from ground blinds, short drives and boat rides, excellent food, and generous limits.
Package Details: Mexico Brant Hunting
Mazatlan Mexico Duck Hunting

Mazatlan Mexico Duck Hunting is the South-of-the-border duck hunting experience that surpasses all others. Welcome to the FUN side of the border! With over 30 years of duck hunting experience in the southern half of Sinaloa Mexico’s west coast, the staff is utmost professional, knowledgeable and endeavors to provide you the best duck hunting vacation imaginable. BUT pack the flip flops, grab your better half, and don’t forget the sunscreen. We don’t call this a “honeymoon duck hunt” without good reason – hunters return to the resort by noon, and there’s plenty quality time to be had for the day’s remainder. Wives and girlfriends LOVE IT! A exclusive for a decade, our Mazatlan Mexico Duck Hunt has been a no-brainer client favorite since the very beginning!
Related Links: Mazatlan Mexico Duck Hunting