There’s a time and place everything. Kevin Nelms and Ramsey discuss planting agricultural hot crops such as corn, rice, and various millets to provide high-energy food sources for wintering waterfowl, complimenting natural moist-soil habitat to form a waterfowl complex. What are the pros and cons? How do site limitations affect crop selection, what excellent online resources are available to landowners for determining your property’s soil type limitations? What is chiwapa millet and where’s it available? What about “grassy corn”? But wait-there’s more! Much more! As USDA NRCS Wildlife Biologist in the Mississippi Delta, Nelms has spent decades designing and developing numerous private-lands waterfowl impoundments. He’s worked extensively with private landowners throughout the region, improving desirable waterfowl habitat conditions, enhancing duck utilization, even putting together a handbook that Ramsey considers must-have essential for managing waterfowl habitat (refer to related links in the episode description for your own PDF copy). This is the third episode of a 4-part series that duck habitat nerds both new and old will appreciate.
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