Awesome trip – we’re already trying to figure out where we want to go next! Shot all sea duck species we went for, and the Captain worked as hard as I have ever had a guide work to try to make the hunt successful.
“New hunting area and style, with different species, the Captain worked as hard as I have ever had a guide work to try to make the hunt successful. The weather the last days was ROUGH to say the least! We didn’t ever shoot a full group limit any of the 3 days, but shot the sea duck species we wanted. I went for the chance to harvest 7 new species that we don’t get anywhere near Texas. I got all of them except the American Black Duck which wasn’t in season. I shot Common Eider, Oldsquaw, Atlantic Brant, White-winged Scoter, Surf Scoter, and a Black Scoter that the Captain was the rarest bird they get in that area. All Species were big mature drakes. Awesome hunt – we’re already trying to figure out where we want to go next!“
Cory Smith
Referenced Hunt: New England Sea Ducks & Eider Hunting