It’s a scorching 107° F in North Dakota when Delta Waterfowl VP John Devney calls to give Ramsey Russell an update on the most cursed words that exist to a duck hunter’s ears: the Prairie Potholes Region is dry. Bad dry. Just how dry is it, and what drives drought cycle in the PPR? What’s “the biology of drought”? How’s this year compare to past droughts, and when did the lowest ever recorded pond counts occur? Why are there less Benellis afield killing half the number of mallards? We’ve not counted ducks in 2 years due to border closures, does Adaptive Harvest Management make allowances? Why does Devney describe the Pacific Flyway as suffering both natural and policy droughts? Any upside to this brutal cycle? The Duck Factory ain’t firing on all cylinders, folks. The western half of the entire US is dry as a sun bleached bone in the desert. Tune in to this and upcoming episodes to learn more about why it matters to you.